
🌰 Who we are - in a nutshell

🔭 Purpose

🤲🏽 Principles

⚽️ Our Team

💪🏼 Our Take on Work & Individual Progress

🔃 Joining & Leaving somethingcreative

🧙🏼‍♀️ Our Advisors

🥳 Company Customs

🤝 Teams & Duties

📚 Perks & Policies

External Links

🌐 Website

✒️ Medium

🌰 Who we are - in a nutshell

We are a team of ambitious & humble individuals who find joy in creating outstanding results. We take our work very seriously, but not ourselves. We believe that we have created a place where nobody has to hide their true selves and can find the right surroundings to live up to their talents.

🔭 Purpose

In order to define why we are here & who we are here for, we created this purpose statement:

To aid all who want to change the reality of what is possible by creating digital products that serve real human needs and are built to last.

→ In order to make this pretty phrase more tangible, we added a little explainer that should make clear where we are coming from:

🤲🏽 Principles

We avoid setting rules - we believe in a work environment that is defined by individual responsibility & guidance by our shared believes. This is why we decided to set principles that define our culture & guide all of us in our everyday decisions rather than a set of rules. We also believe that it is usually easy to make a decision between something good and something bad - what defines us the most it the decisions we make when we have to decide between something important & something even more important. This is why our principles are phrased in the format of "Even over Statements": They are supposed to create a clear hierarchy between to "goods" that compete in our work life. We defined those all together as a team and will review & update them twice a year.